11 Horses Stood In Line. But The Moment They Started Doing THIS, I Was On The Floor! WHOA!

The Budweiser Clydesdale made their debut nearly 30 years ago. Now, their ads are among some of the most highly anticipated. These horses go through a lot of training for the commercials. You are now getting a rare, behind –the-scenes look at these amazing commercials and also about to meet the man behind the magic, Robin Wiltshire, horse trainer extraordinaire.

Kate Wiltshire and Robin raise their array of animals on Turtle Ranch in Dubois, Wyoming. Robin believes that horse training is more than the camera tricks or paychecks. It’s a way of life for them. He gives them plenty of love and even praise their hard work by rewarding them. These commercials seem more amazing when we find out that these horses are treated with so much love.

In this clip you will see a compilation of training exercises that have been recorded over the years. Some of the things he trains these horses to do are just amazing. He taught them to line up in formation like 11 football players, and one of them stands ready to “hike” the ball. They run training exercises like the players do, as well.

But these horses also have a sense of humor, or maybe they are just curious. One of them appears, at one point, to be eating the props, which are some type of plant that he apparently likes. You’ll also see them pulling the famous Budweiser carriages.

Watch the video. Let us know what you think about these amazing horses in the comments!


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