Chihuahua Born At Extremely Small Size And Weight. I Loved Her Spunk And Spirit!

We live in a world where being big is celebrated. Athletes that are tall are revered. Sure, there are average-sized players, but they are not as noticeable. Short athletes are seen as an oddity – though there is an uptick in superstars who are short. Jose Altuve of the Houston Astros is one such player. Then there’s Milly, a Chihuahua that lives in Puerto Rico, who is revered and even in the record books for her diminutive size.

Milly was so tiny at first that her mommy and daddy had to feed her with an eye dropper once every two hours. But she gained her strength and filled out at her present weight of one pound. This is one happy dog, though. She loves attention and will often sit there, with her tongue sticking out, as people in her area ooh and aah at her. The Guinness Book of World Records lists her as the smallest full-grown.

It’s funny seeing Milly stand next to another Chihuahua. Usually I consider them to be very tiny dogs, but this full-sized one made Milly look positively Lilliputian. It reminded me of when we took our Miniature Schnauzer to visit my aunt, who had a toy poodle. I thought my dog was small, but she looked like Goliath compared to my aunt’s dog. That little dog had heart though, growling at my dog from my lap when she got near.

I love it that Milly is getting all the attention in her area. Most of the time, people ignore small things. Admittedly, I’m not the biggest fan of Chihuahuas because they tend to just sit there, looking nervous. Milly doesn’t look nervous and even her constant sticking out her tongue looks endearing to me. Like the reporter said in the piece, I wouldn’t mind sticking her in my pocket and taking her home…

Wasn’t Milly so cute? I couldn’t get enough of looking at her. How about you? Have you seen a smaller dog than this? Tell us all about it in the comments section!

Be sure to share this video with all your friends on Facebook right now because it will give them a chuckle! This is too cute to pass up. Spread the joy!

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