Get That Classy Vintage Look By Following Along With This Makeup Tutorial From 1960!

Every now and then it’s fun to take a look at how much our culture has changed. From fashion to beauty to wedding dresses, it seems that one of the most popular eras was the 1960s. The hair, the clothes, and particularly the makeup looked great, and it’s easy to see why; a lot went into the process of putting on makeup!

The 1960s was a youth-oriented decade – the “baby boomers” were coming of age and defined the decade as their own.

Makeup looks were at both ends of the scale, from the au naturel look of the hippie brigade to the dramatic black and white eyes of mod high-fashion, with pastel colors making their mark on the masses.

London had led the way with the mod look (“modernist”) since the late fifties. The mod look peaked between early 1964 and mid-1967. The mod love for bold geometric patterns and black and white spilled over into the white eye shadow and black crease look, as exemplified by 1960s model Twiggy on the cover of many magazines.

Later in the 1960s, the hippie counterculture made its mark with a taste for more natural faces and products, though face and body painting, synonymous with the “flower power” movement, was a riot of color.

The feminist movement re-emerged in the sixties. Some feminists viewed makeup as objectifying women as sex objects and so wore very little; others embraced makeup and wore it as a badge of honor.

In the clip from the 1960 beauty film “Girls Girls Girls,” you’ll see a vintage makeup tutorial.

What do you think of the different types of make-up styles that emerged during the 1960s? Would you wear any of them today? Use the comments section below and share your thoughts. We’d love to hear from you!

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