Maru The Cat Tries To Jump Onto New Swing. His Determination Is Something To Behold.

There are times in our lives when we all face challenges. They may seem like giant obstacles that are impossible to get past, but with some determination, we can achieve what we want. It won’t be instantaneous, we may fail a few times, but all that matters is that we dust ourselves off and try again. That’s the object lesson in this video here… that also stars an incredibly cute cat, but he is the mere messenger of what we are to learn.

We see Maru, who is one of the most popular animals on YouTube, eyeballing a swing that’s been placed in his house. It’s one that you see at the playground, a wooden plank with rope on either side. After a few seconds, he’s decided that he wants to get up on it. The only problem is that the swing doesn’t stay still for him to get on it. Hmm. This poses a problem. Maru tries several times, unsuccessfully. But he doesn’t give up.

Maru finally figures out that if he is able to get both front paws on the swing and then after leaning very far forward, he can get one hind leg on there and then the other one. It’s all about trial and error, but he proves that he can get on the swing from the side and the back. What a smart cat he is. Maru looks rightfully proud as he sits on the swing as it rocks back and forth. He will probably fall asleep on it.

We can watch this video for two reasons: Seeing Maru in action again and also learn a lesson about determination. He never gave up and kept looking for a way onto the swing, no matter how many times he didn’t make it before. Heck, he even swatted another cat away, since he wanted it all for himself. OK, selfishness isn’t something that we want to idealize, but heck, this is Maru!

Isn’t Maru so adorable? Have you seen your own cat do something like this with a piece of furniture in your house? Tell us all about it in the comments section.

Share this adorable video with your friends and family on Facebook because it will give them a great big smile… or two… or three! It will make them happy and you, too!

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