Resourceful Mom Hates the Stump in Her Front Yard! Her Plan? You’ll Have to see To Believe!

Stumps can be quite the bother. Let alone, an eyesore and source of contempt when it comes to the Home Owners Association. To cut down a tree can be dangerous, there are a lot of factors involved and most of the time, even in controlled settings, it can be wounding or even fatal. With stumps the most common problem with removal is invasive roots growing in dangerous places, or reaching near important parts like the septic system or power lines.

April brings about lots of changes, especially for Cynthia and her husband. A tree died in their front yard, so after hubby cut it down, he couldn’t just leave it flat. He cut at an angle on both sides, to make it a bit easier to work with.

Cynthia with the help of her handy hubby, find a resourceful and creative way to turn the front yard stump into a “cute” little roadside attraction. Cynthia has been known for being creative. She loves doing little projects or making something look cuter than it did before. Turning things from an eye sore into a real “WOW, I never would’ve thought of that.”

As hubby works tirelessly to wood work all the pieces necessary for their endeavor, Cynthia narrates all the pieces necessary to make your own little creation out of a possible eye store stump that’s been bugging you. With each step, she narrates the process and reasoning behind each step. She certainly has an interesting view of what you can do when adaptability isn’t a problem for you.

All in all, it takes them about two weeks and change to achieve the desired creation and effect. There are so many differ What are your thoughts? We would love to hear from you! Please leave a comment in the comment box below, share this with someone who’s having a bad day, and don’t forget to like us on Facebook! Thank you! What an interesting mind she has!

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