This Short Film Gives A Shout Out To All Working Mothers!

Working mothers always face tough every-day lives, both professional and personal. A lot of the times this is due to the heavy strain of work added to the incredible of stress of having to keep a household.  Many women don’t receive the help from their spouses to warrant a balance in the division of chores. This issue is even more serious in countries such as Japan, in which women breaking out into the business world or choosing to continue their professional careers, beyond motherhood have just started to flourish recently.

The video below,  produced by Software company Cybozu raises awareness towards just how much a working-mom has to struggle, juggling everything and receiving no support from either his spouse or her company. This touching short film build up to a poignant climax, showing the emotional stress of the woman, until her kid makes a simple quiet question: Are You Ok?

The woman’s silent courage is a great tribute and shout out to moms everywhere that day after work tirelessly, and without recognition. It gives us a fair depiction of what accepting motherhood as a working woman means.

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