After Being “Trained” By His Amazing Employee, This Undercover Boss Gives Her The Best Gift EVER!

It seemed like any normal day at work for Angel, but she never expected what was coming to her. She was told to train a new recruit that was going to be joining her team at her workplace, a Modell’s shop. But the reality was, that recruit was actually Modell’s CEO, Mitchell Modell. Even though they only told her she was going to be recorded for a documentary, she was actually on the TV show Undercover Boss, were high executives of businesses disguise themselves as regular workers to see how the business actually runs when no big authority is watching them.

While you would imagine there would be lots of fired people thanks to a show like this (and they DO exist, by the numbers), in the majority of cases, what actually happens is that the boss realizes that the employees are actually very hard working and deserve better than what they usually get. This was exactly what happened with Mitchell and Angel, because not only did she do an excellent job at “introducing” him to the company, she also revealed that after losing her previous job due to pregnancy she had to struggle really hard, and the job she had gotten at Modell’s really helped her out, but she along with her family still had to live in a shelter. After revealing his true identity, her boss does something absolutely incredible!

Watch this touching moment in the video right below.

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