109-Year-Old World War II Vet Still Lives Life Well. Wait Until You Hear What His Advice Is.

I’m always amazed at how some people can live for a long time. It would be great to live past 100, but I’d want to have my mind be very sharp. Being wheeled around while staring at everything catatonically would not be my idea of a good time… though I wouldn’t be aware of my general state of being, anyways. This video shows how one man’s attitude and life lessons have carried him a long, long way.

Richard Overton is 109 years old, and he lives in the same house that he built himself in 1945. The World War II veteran… the oldest living one, is not a loner though. He still drives himself – even passed his most recent tests – all over the place in Austin, Texas. He regularly has people visit him and he even goes to church, where he’s warmly greeted by people. Get this – he even has a girlfriend that doesn’t seem to mind their 18-year age difference. He’s also got all his mental faculties.

Yes, he does some things that are not healthy, like smoking multiple cigars a day. He says he doesn’t inhale (Former President Bill Clinton used that one), but if it relaxes him… what are you going to do, tell a 109-year-old man, “No?” He also drinks whiskey, but that also doesn’t seem to have a negative effect. This is a man who grabs life by the lapels every day and doesn’t let go until he goes to sleep each night.

The best line was the last one of the video. “I may give out… but I’ll never give up.” This is a man who is determined to live his life to the fullest. It’s incredible that he’s doing all the things that he is… and I hope that it continues. The thing with longevity, though… the end can be quite swift. One of my grandmothers was healthy up until she was 94… and then a three-week span that included pneumonia was enough. Overton knows that he’s been long playing with house money… and plans to enjoy doing it for however long it lasts.

Having a long lifespan like that does require some sacrifices… and I’m not entirely certain I want to give those things up. How about you? What did you think of his advice? We’d love to hear what you have to say in the comments section. Also, please “Like” us on Facebook.

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