“LOL, Find Out What Happens When These Babies Discover THAT THING Known as The Vacuum!”

Babies can be quite curious about different things in the world around them, a vacuum cleaner could be such a thing that could get a babies curiosity and with good reason. These can be loud, they can light up and babies can see someone pushing them around.

So, what happens when a baby encounters a vacuum for the first time well, this video explores this first meeting with some funny moments. There are the babies who are afraid of the vacuum and run from it. There are those who want to know what it does and once who even feels its suction. Then there are those who want to ride it.

This was something that seems to be quite common with the Roomba. Remember these the robotic vacuum that works on its own going from room to room. To babies this is apparently a fun ride that they can get on and start spinning around. These scenes in the video are especially priceless.

So, if you want to see some funny baby encounters with a vacuum watch the video then let us know how you liked it by commenting below. https://youtu.be/e-wR5ta9eCo Did you smile? Share this video on Facebook and share your smile with a friend or two because the world needs more smiles!

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