Beautiful Bird Shows Up On The Porch, But When She Turns Around, Notice Her Tail

Although peacocks are more easily recognized for their characteristic emerald green and deep blue feathers, these majestic and stunning big birds can be quite stunning even when stripped of their color. In the following video, what you will see is nothing other than what seems like an albino peacock, but it is actually a genetic mutation of a peacock that makes it appear white! But what results is a peacock born with no pigmentation that has completely white feathers but has blue eyes.

You can see how this incredible bird shows off his white tail, and how he has a whimsical and unique figure that is both mystical and intimidating at the same time. As we mentioned before, this bird looks completely white because of the lack of pigmentation in his skin. But she has blue eyes, and true albinos have red-ish eyes as a result of their genetic anomaly. This white peacock is actually called a leucism.

You can see how she spreads her magnificent tail to show it off, and it’s quite an incredible sight. I never imagined this type of bird could look so stunning when it is completely white, but it’s true that their tail can be hypnotizing. Nature never stops amazing us with shocking new sights and experiences, and this colorless peacock is no exception. I had the privilege of seeing two of these in India and it was difficult to turn away from this strange but beautiful anomaly.

Watch this enigmatic and fabulous big white bird in the video right below. If you love it, remember to share it with your friends!

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