Cameraman runs faster than the athletes

Cameramen are known for going the extra mile to ensure they have that perfect shot. This student cameraman did that, literally. Well, you can never put too much effort into something you enjoy doing.

Right before the race begins, he gives himself a slight head start from the sprinters. The most surprising thing is that he was able to maintain the distance throughout the whole race.

During the recording, he kept checking back at the sprinters ensuring that he’s still recording them. He kept recording until the end of the race, a video we’d love to watch for sure.

Flash should hold this cameraman’s beer

His ability to run as fast as the sprinters made the audience cheer on him more than they were cheering for the sprinters. This did not distract him from recording the race.

Although some people said that he started way ahead of the other runners, it is important to note that he was running with a camera that weighs more than 4kgs, which is commendable.

Other than that, he was running posture and clothing put him in a position not to run properly. Regardless, he still managed to get to the finish line ahead of the other racers.

With his speed, it is okay to wonder if he’s in the right career. Perhaps he should have been on the racetrack with the other sprinters, instead of being the cameraman.

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Cameraman runs faster than the athletes

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