She Was Casually Filming Her Husband And Her Dog Until She Caught Something Unusual! Too Cute!

We feed them, groom them and sometimes even dress them. We coddle them in a multitude of ways, taking great pains to make sure they are healthy and worry when they are not. When they pass on, the loss for many is as profound as any other. Perhaps we do so much for our pets because, according to a variety of sources, they do so much for us.

The CDC notes on its Web site, “Pets can decrease your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, and feelings of loneliness. Pets can increase your opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities, and opportunities for socialization.” Clearly having a pet is a healthy option, and clearly the man in this video loves having his dog around. He doesn’t seem to have high blood pressure at all! In fact, they both seem pretty laid back!

This man and his French Bulldog are sitting on the couch, and the dog is sitting up like a human. When the music starts, the man starts swaying back and forth, like he’s dancing, and so does the dog! He’s copying his human, and the love in this human’s eyes for his dog is so obvious.

I hope he looks at his wife the same way. She’s the one that caught this on camera. He didn’t even know he was being filmed. LOL!

The video will entertain you to the fullest. Have any comments share with us below. Try doing this with your dog to see if he responds the same way. Let us  know your thoughts about it in the comments section below.

Be sure to share this video with all your friends on Facebook right now because it will give them a chuckle! This is too cute to pass up. Spread the joy!

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