Footage Of A Suspension Bridge Collapsing In 1940 Is Insane!

The original Tacoma Narrows Bridge opened on July 1, 1940. It received its nickname “Galloping Gertie” because of the vertical movement of the deck observed by construction workers during windy conditions. The bridge became known for its pitching deck, and collapsed into Puget Sound the morning of November 7, 1940, under high wind conditions.

A contributing factor was its solid sides, not allowing wind to pass through the bridge’s deck. Thus its design allowed the bridge to catch the wind and sway, which ultimately took it down.

It’s not every day that a bridge just buckles naturally, but that’s what happened in 1940 when the then-third-longest suspension bridge swayed and twisted in high winds until ultimately collapsing into the water below.

Amazingly enough, news filmographers captured the spectacular collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge as it wobbled with ever-increasing vibrations that toppled the $6 million construction. What a sight this must have been to see in person!

We cannot imagine what it would have felt like to see it first-hand. Or, worse yet, to have been on the bridge when it started to give way. Luckily no human life was lost. The only life that was lost was a poor pooch that was stuck in a vehicle even though someone did try to save its life.

Such a scary event, yet it is mesmerizing to watch.

Engineering issues as well as the United States’ involvement in World War II postponed plans to replace the bridge for several years; the replacement bridge was opened on October 14, 1950.

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