Girl decides to cut her long hair before chemo. Her latest look will certainly turn heads!

A cancer diagnosis usually hits hard with patients and their families. They prepare in many ways for the road that lies ahead. For most patients, it is both a physical and psychological journey. The first part entails the changes that their bodies will go through. Patients often resort to books to help them in the process. The books explain that there’s nothing wrong with them as people, it’s only that their body is changing, and they need to adapt to that change.

This is a very good point as many patients tend to blame themselves or their lifestyle for what they’re now experiencing. They sometimes believe that it was a result of something they did or the lifestyle they have. This leads them to periods of depression that are sometimes more dangerous than the disease itself. How does family help the patient cope with this?

Being there for them is the most important thing you can do for them. Many experts agree that by only having a chance to be heard, patients with this condition can greatly increase their mood, quality of life and chances of survival. When the mind is in a relaxed state, it can release the chemicals it needs to regulate its functions more appropriately.

Exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle promote their good health, but what about all those lifestyle changes that can also make patients feel better? If you were to ask some patients what bothers them the most, they would probably say that it’s not feeling well. For them, the physical pain they endure is nothing compared to not feeling well emotionally.

Many of them get depressed when they start losing their hair due to chemo. Chemo is only the beginning for them. The fact of going bald, really makes them feel ill. But, what can they do about it? Makeovers offer a good push in the right direction. I saw this video the other day of a girl who gave her mother the ultimate makeup and hair makeover. Her mother was looking dazzling after it, and you could also see a big smile on her face.

In the next video, the patient decides to give herself a makeover. A couple of weeks before she loses her hair, she goes for a haircut and a fresh style. She has always worn her hair long, and this would be the first time in a long time that she would be going any shorter than shoulder length. Watch the incredible transformation and the jaw-dropping results at the end.

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