How to pick the sweetest watermelon

Jag Singh shares the only tips anyone needs to know about how to pick the perfect watermelon. He went to a grocery store to get enough examples of watermelons to use.


The massive green fruits can be daunting to choose from. Singh first focuses on the stem of the watermelon. He points at the stem, which is at one end of the skin.

If the stem is green, then it was picked before it had the chance to ripen fully. The stem should be brown, which indicates it ripened on the vine well before it was removed.


The next thing Singh looks for is a prominent yellow spot. A watermelon with enough time to bathe in the sun and ripen will have a yellow mark.

Without the yellow mark, the watermelon is likely not to be well-ripened. Then Singh presses on the watermelon to check how hard it is. He wants it to be soft.


A watermelon that is too hard also means that it is not ripe at all. Lastly, Singh taps on the fruit. A hollow sound means it is full of water. Otherwise, it will barely contain any liquid.

He takes home the watermelon he believes to be ripe and sweet. Singh cuts it open and shows the bright red inside. After taking a bite, he says it is incredibly sweet.

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How to pick the sweetest watermelon

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