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If you grew up in the south, you know exactly how stories are told. Now you can relive them with The Moron Brothers, a comedy duo that sings and tells songs.

There’s nothing like a good ol’ boy telling a story. If you grew up in the south, you’ll relate to the way that The Moron Brothers tell a tall tale – it’s just like your dad or your uncle told them!

Lardo and Burley often tell stories, great jokes, and sing hilarious parody songs while they strum away on their banjo and guitar. They have a talent for music and for comedy, and they aren’t afraid to show it.

This particular story tells about an incident with a tour bus and a train. The joke involves a touring artist named Rhonda Benson and her shiny new tour bus, trying to outrun a freight train.

Of course, the result is hilarious. It’s good clean humor. It’s hilarious to watch the delivery and appreciate the timing on a story like this.

Though this is a short clip, it all seems so effortless. The Moron Brothers earned 400k views with this joke, but it’s far from the most successful video on their channel. They have songs and stories aplenty!

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If you need a quick laugh, just press play

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