Nurtured and Tuned: Kitty’s Positive Response to “Bath Time” Call

Most cats hate water. Just like the widely accepted idea that dogs will never give a second thought when bath time comes, the aversion your kitty shows to water must be an accepted fact.

Cats will spend a better part of the day licking their bodies, which prompts the obvious question: does your cat really need a bath? Honestly speaking, studies have it that your cat doesn’t need a bath unless it is routinely accustomed to the norm.

The cat in this video has proven that the perceptions we consider as the “standard norms” are not always accurate. For example, the cat willingly runs into the bathroom when the Japanese custodian says, “Bath Time Now.”

Kitty’s positive response to bath time call

At first, the cutie seems restless with her ears up, with the tail wagging, eager to hear her master’s call, then runs to the bathroom when the long-awaited “Bath Time Now” signal comes, then runs to the Jacuzzi.

The cat takes a few seconds to position herself in the tub as the human (probably the owner) ensures that everything is set for the shower moment. She remains responsive throughout the shower period.

You are probably moved by the contents of the video, right? Well, a stun warning is here: don’t try this with your kitty, as you may be in for a rude shock.

Don’t try mimicking what is happening in the video if you have not trained your feline friend on how and when to bathe. Or else, you may be a victim of kitty’s claws.

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Nurtured and Tuned: Kitty’s Positive Response to “Bath Time” Call

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