Man builds a raft to save swan’s eggs after watching her lose them in a series of tragedies

Humans and nature are constantly interacting, be it intentionally or unintentionally. We can never really get away from nature. The best we can do is try and have a beautiful and peaceful coexistence.

Rob Anderson, known to some as ‘the swan man,’ cherishes nature. Originally from St. Ives, Cambridgeshire, the 42-year-old man has become a guardian to the waterfowl occupying the area.

Having worked at the Jones boatyard for nearly a decade and living in one of the boats, Rob has formed a bond with flora and fauna surrounding him. Most especially the swan.

Man builds a raft to save swan’s eggs

He took a particularly keen interest in a pair of swans that had been trying severally to hatch their eggs without success. Whether natural disasters or animals, there was always a problem.

So when the recent floods began, he remembered the swan and her eggs, and sure enough, they were almost in the water. So a great idea came to his mind.

Anderson fashioned a crude makeshift raft at night and placed the nest with the clearly distraught swan and her eggs on it. They weren’t going to be drowned by floods this time.

When the eggs finally hatched, Rob says that he felt like a father who had just received his kids. His wonderful act just goes to show that it is everyone’s responsibility to care for everything around us. It gives a beautiful feeling of accomplishment to us.

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Man builds a raft to save swan’s eggs after watching her lose them in a series of tragedies

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