She meets a brother she never knew. Then he reveals mom’s most hidden secret.

Meeting their biological parents is a touchy subject for most adopted children. It’s a very personal decision. For some of them, it’s a necessity. It’s the one experience that will help them learn more about who they are. At times, meeting their birth parents helps them understand why they act the way they do sometimes. For others, it’s not that important. Their adoptive parents are their real parents as far as they are concerned.

It was about to be an emotional journey for an adopted woman who lives in Washington State. She recently received the surprise of a lifetime. She grew up ignoring that somewhere in the United States she had a long-lost brother. Of course, growing up she had no idea of this and it was until she became a mother herself that she decided to search her family tree for answers. She knew very little about her family but was sure that with a little bit of research, she would get to the bottom of it.

The Washington State woman by the name of Christina Housel found a man named Lyle James Berryman. The man was residing in Arizona and she contacted him through social media. As soon as they could, they arranged a meeting this past June. Christina was a little nervous. For some reason, as she started talking to Lyle she felt as if she had known him for a long time.

On the other hand, Lyle was a little skeptical at first. He thought this was one of those pranks that only get people’s hopes up and then watch them come crashing down. But as soon as he saw the pictures Christina sent him, he knew that she was his long-lost sibling. He found out they had very similar facial features including the same nose. The first meeting between them had been an enormous success and then Lyle decided to drop another bomb on Christina…both of them had another set of siblings who lived in Florida.

It had turned out that the siblings they had were twins. Their mother had told him this secret before passing. The only thing is that he had not been able to establish contact with them. Maybe now that he had contacted Christina, the two of them could work together to see if they could find them. They didn’t have a lot of information at the time but knew that social media would be of immense help.

They posted a picture of them along with a post on social media. They knew that if enough people shared it, they would be very close to finding their siblings. Do you think this would be enough? Click on the video to find out the conclusion.

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