Miss Colorado Shocks Everyone At The Miss America Pageant When She Comes Onstage In Scrubs

One person can have a profound and lasting effect on another’s life. Even if they don’t know it at the time.

Miss Colorado proved that when she took the stage during the talent portion of the 2016 Miss America pageant. Amidst performances featuring songs and dancing, Kelly Johnson got onstage in scrubs and told a story.

Kelly looked statuesque and capable in her mint green scrubs and ponytail as she related her story of alzheimer’s patient “Joe”. Every day, “Joe” would ask Kelly to make changes to his care and surroundings that she couldn’t, because she was ‘just a nurse’.

Then, Kelly came to check on “Joe” one day, and found him crying in bed. She went to him, and said, “I know that this is really hard, but you aren’t defined by this disease. You are not just Alzheimer’s. You are still Joe.”

At which point “Joe” looked at her and said, “Nurse Kelly, the same goes for you. You are not ‘just a nurse’. You have changed my life because you have cared for me.”

Kelly told the audience how this simple interaction reminded her that she was a lifesaver, a helper, someone who cares. Just a few words spoken, at the right time, can make a world of difference.

Watch Kelly’s powerful monologue below! What did you think? Leave us a comment, we’d love to hear from you!

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