Poor Bear Was Trapped In A Tiny Cage His Entire Life. Watch His Reaction When He’s Freed?

There weren’t many laws protecting animals in the past. Our world has a come a long way since then, but there are uncountable animals still being abused and exploited, especially in the name of traditional medicine. I am sure you have heard stories about animals like rhinos and elephants being slaughtered for the mythical healing properties of their body parts.

Animals like the Asiatic black bear are also kept in confinement in order to extract their bile. Bear bile has been used in Asiatic medicine for hundreds of years to treat conditions of the liver and gall bladder. But their bile is no longer needed for this purpose. Now, there are many synthetic and herbal remedies that work just as well.

But some people don’t believe it and continue to keep bears in captivity to extract their bile. The poor bears are kept in inhuman conditions. They are locked away in tiny cages and their bile is taken out whilst they are kept alive.

The video below features a bear named Tuffy. He was rescued from a bile farm. This is the first time he has had the taste of freedom in his lifetime. These bears are taken away from their mothers at birth, and that was the case with Tuffy. He had spent years of torture in a small cage and his happiness at being released is evident in the clip.

Watch this heartwarming video below! Did Tuffy’s rescue make you smile? Feel free to share what you think in the comments section!

Share this adorable video with your friends and family on Facebook because it will give them a great big smile… or two… or three! It will make them happy and you, too!

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