They Rescued This Pit Bull From Dying In A Trash Pile. Now See Where He Brings Her…

A puppy who was born on the verge of death was saved thanks to these heroic saviors! If you’ve already visited us before, you probably know that we love stories of animals getting rescued from the worst life conditions and are given a chance of living a happy life. We strongly believe that every single animal deserves to live a normal life according to their needs.

We always love to see incredible animal rescue institutions, such as World Animal Awareness Society, who share this sentiment with us and work very hard to help animals who are in need. That’s why nothing makes ups happier than sharing these uplifting stories with you. In the following clip, you’ll meet Moma, a poor pit bull puppy who was saved from a life of dog fighting pits.

Moma was born in a dog fighting house in Houston, TX, because of a criminal breeder. Operation Houston, a program dedicated to helping dogs in this city, found out about the fighting put and Moma, and they were able to track the house down and took Moma out while she still had a chance to recover and get adopted. She was in pretty bad shape, but thanks to their help, she was able to recover and become a happy adult dog!

Watch this incredible dog rescue for yourself in the video right below.


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