A Small Girl Reads This Holiday Story To Shelter Dog, When I Found Out Why Are Blown Away!

The Humane Society of Missouri has a Shelter Buddies Reading Program that was designed to help shelter dogs get adopted. The program has people sit outside the candles and read to the dogs. The idea being that the increase human contact will allow these shy dogs to relax around humans and be more attractive animals for people who want to adopt.

The advantage of this program is that allows people who are reading the dogs to develop their own reading skills as well. Many of the people reading to these dogs are children, so their own education is helped by this program.

In 2015 some cancer part in the first annual Deck the Howls reading event. The children read holiday stories to the shelter animals and made reading cards for the animals. The shelter dogs have generally had some pretty hard lives, making them frightened and timid around humans normally.

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