Woman Shows Off Her Bond With 2 Horses. When She Did THIS? I Couldn’t Believe My Eyes! WOW!

The video below features a horse trainer at Showisi called Stefanie Stocker. She shows us how humans can have a loving and affectionate relationship with their horses. In this clip, Stefanie lies comfortably with a couple of horses in a field. Both the horses and the human are very relaxed around each other.

This is not a strange behavior in horses. They are known to be very caring towards each other and their human friends as well. Cuddling, nickering, and nuzzling are ways they show their affection. Stocker grew up with horses from a very young age in Siegburg, Germany. She is a Ph.D student at the Institute of Genetics at the University of Bonn in Germany and she also works as a horsemanship coach.

The woman in this video looks completely at home with these two horses, and they appear to be quite in love with her. She is cuddling with them in a field. I don’t normally think of horses as being cuddly, and I bet you don’t either, but these horses are literally cuddling with her. I think they might even be smiling.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen two more relaxed horses than these two. At the end of the clip, she explains how you too can have a relationship like this with your horses and what training services she offers. She does seem like quite an expert on how to get your horses to love you.

Watch this adorable video below! Did this warm your heart? Let us know in the comments section!

Share this adorable video with your friends and family on Facebook because it will give them a great big smile… or two… or three! It will make them happy and you, too!

Home » Legacy » Pets » Horses » Woman Shows Off Her Bond With 2 Horses. When She Did THIS? I Couldn’t Believe My Eyes! WOW!