50 times Niles left Frasier speechless with his signature comebacks

In sitcoms, many memorable characters made us laugh. Each one was unique in their TV persona and comedic delivery. On the hit show ‘Frasier,’ one of those iconic characters was Dr. Niles Crane, Frasier’s brother.

Niles and Frasier

This hysterical montage features the 50 best Niles Crane burns, showcasing the acting talent of David Hyde Pierce. Famous for his quick-witted responses, Niles was known to give out some real ‘burns’ during his screen time.

While he cared about others, he was never known to pass up a chance to comedically insult them from time to time. One scene involves Frasier saying to Niles, ‘Niles, I can’t thank you enough. I feel this overwhelming urge to hug you!’ Niles replies, ‘Remember what mom always said, a handshake is as good as a hug!’

Niles and Frasier

In another clip, Frasier exclaims, ‘God, I hate lawyers!’ Niles responds, ‘Me too, but they make wonderful patients. They have excellent health insurance, and they never get better!’ The studio audience lets out a hearty laugh.

Niles had some famous one-liners when he exited scenes. He tells Frasier and a lady friend, ‘Well, this has been delightful, but I really must run. I’m due at my sexual addiction group, and I don’t like to leave them alone for too long!’

Niles and Frasier

In another clip, after giving his specific latte order at the coffee shop, the waiter calls out to the kitchen, ‘Two gutless wonders.’ Niles looks at Frasier and says, ‘Certainly playing fast and loose with his tips for a man who drives a van!’

The entire cast of ‘Frasier’ was talented and filled with natural chemistry. The sitcom was successful for many years thanks to the incredible characterization of ‘Dr. Niles Crane’ by David Hyde Pierce. This montage will have you laughing all over again!

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50 times Niles left Frasier speechless with his signature comebacks

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