Brave dog overcomes all odds; Saves owner from a mountain lion

Erin Wilson from California and her dog, Eva, recently went on a trip where they encountered a mountain lion. Eva was a Belgian Melon Juan; her age was two and a half years. Eva saved Erin from the mountain lion by attacking the big cat.

Brave dog

After the incident, Erin and Eva developed a strong bond. Erin would do anything for the dog, and she knew Eva would do the same for her owner. So when the mountain lion attacked Erin, she yelled for Eva. The courageous dog came to fight with the big cat.

After reaching the spot, the mountain lion attacked Erin after arriving a minute or two. The entire episode lasted for around 15 minutes. Suddenly, Erin noticed her dog was looking around and breathing while holding very still. Erin got some rocks and tried choking the lion and gouging the wild beast’s eyes.

Brave dog and her owner

That didn’t help. Then, Erin grabbed the lion’s feet and tried to push him away. When Erin failed to get the lion off her dog, she returned to her truck to capture something more significant and substantial. She grabbed her crowbar and stopped a car for help. Shannon stopped her car and decided to help Erin.

Unfortunately, Shannon didn’t have any weapon except pepper spray. She grabbed a pipe from her car and followed Erin to where the lion was holding Eva. The two started beating and yelling at the lion. Eventually, the lion let go of his grip on Eva.

Brave dog and her owner

Erin used her crowbar and attacked the head of the mountain lion. Finally, the lion let go of Eva and ran off. She called for Eva, and the dog jumped on her truck. Upon inspection, Erin noticed a lot of blood around Eva’s forehead and lips. She quickly thanked Shannon and headed to the nearest vet.

Erin drove at a decent speed when she suddenly noticed Eva convulsing. The sight of this upset Erin a lot. She begged Eva not to go and to stay with her. When they reached the hospital, they started treating her immediately.

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Brave dog overcomes all odds; Saves owner from a mountain lion

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