German Shepherd Nurtures Abandoned Kittens. This Satisfied Mom Takes Her Job Very Seriously… AWW!

There are truly kind and amazing people out there. Meet this amazing tag team, a generous pet owner and Brooke, her German Shepherd. These two are dedicated to raising kittens in order to help a local animal shelter. They raise the kittens and when they’ve grown and are ready for adoption are returned back to the shelter.

It is important that we acknowledge their actions because love is what make the world go around! This time, they adopted four new kittens, and to babysit all of them, she’s going to need the help of Brooke! Watch the two look after kittens in this adorable video! Seeing the little kittens sleep in Brooke’s lap is such a heart-warming sight. Brook is watching the little kittens grow and is looking out for them with love and affection. You can see it in her eyes whenever a kitten is near her. It’s like she’s in this peaceful protection mode!

Always try to help animals in need whether that means adopting one or helping shelters. There are plenty of was we can reach out and improve the life of an innocent animal. Take Brooke’s example and do the same. Please watch this amazing story and pass on the important message to all your friends and family!

Be sure to share this video with all your friends on Facebook right now because it will give them a chuckle! This is too cute to pass up. Spread the joy!

Home » Legacy » Internal Cats, Birds, Non-Canine Pets » German Shepherd Nurtures Abandoned Kittens. This Satisfied Mom Takes Her Job Very Seriously… AWW!