It’s Impossible Not To Laugh At This Classic M*A*S*H Clip

‘Klinger Escapes’ is one of the funniest scenes you’ve ever seen Corporal Maxwell Q. Klinger in. In this hilarious M*A*S*H clip, he is seen taking to the skies with the help of a hang glider. The Corporal becomes mistaken for a big red bird with fuzzy pink feet. After all, he is dressed in a gown and slippers.

It’s so odd to think that Klinger was originally only going to feature in a few episodes. With humor like that, it’s no wonder that he became a regular character on the show. Some fans even consider Jamie Farr the funniest out of the whole cast. Whatever your opinion, Klinger’s escape is a classic.

M*A*S*H’s hilarious Klinger and his constant attempts to get a psychiatric discharge left audiences laughing themselves sick. Here he once again pulls off a ridiculous stunt which could easily be the funniest of them all. ‘Klinger Escapes’ is filled with unforgettable humor that’s sure to make you laugh out loud.

It\'s Impossible Not To Laugh At This Classic M*A*S*H Clip

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