Majestic wild mustangs roam freely on the vast Oregon range

Beautiful wild mustangs were grazing across the open range of western Oregon. Vast mountains surrounded them, and the wind blew, showing signs of the storm that was on its way.

Sonya watched the groups from a distance so she wouldn’t scare them away. There were several horses of diverse colors, and she knew many of them when they were smaller.

The horses had long, gorgeous manes that caught the sunlight. In the morning, the grey clouds still hadn’t set in. Across the dusty landscape, the stallions and mares were running around.

Majestic wild mustangs

One horse named Nevada found a band of stallions that he wanted to keep away from some mares, and Nevada stayed close to them and began to chase them away from his band.

The stallions left, and Sonya turned her attention to a new incredible sight. The bands of horses had formed a herd as they headed to get water. Wild mustangs of all kinds stuck together.

Many horses were curious and cautious around Sonya. They stayed at a distance while watching her. After a while, they would scatter and run away. Some horses were more used to her and stayed closer.

Dark grey clouds began to gather above the range. The storm had arrived. Rain poured, and the horses went for cover while Sonya went back to her car, and we are left mesmerized.

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Majestic wild mustangs roam freely on the vast Oregon range

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