His Mom Collapsed Right In Front Of Him. But How This Little Boy Saved Her? It’s Incredible!

This video is a story about a brave little boy and how he played a major role in saving his mom’s life. This four year old was alone with his mother when she suddenly became unconscious. He immediately dialed 911 and Polk County dispatcher Maggie Brodeur received his call. His answers and his location were vague, so Maggie stayed on the phone with him for 15 minutes trying to track his house.

Maggie says that the little guy is amazing since it is hard for little kids to talk, let alone carry on a full conversation. I’m glad everything worked out well. Thanks to the four year old and the 911 dispatcher who talked him through it, his mother is now recovering and feeling better! This little did a great job!

This little boy must have felt very afraid and unsure of what to do, but obviously his family taught him what to do and who to call in an emergency. So that’s what he did, and then he remained calm enough to talk to the dispatcher while his mom was unconscious. What a brave little boy to do this by himself!

It is important to teach your children, even at a very young age, what to do in case of an emergency. They also need to know not to panic and to just follow your instructions. Placing important phone numbers in a list somewhere in the house is also a good idea so that they are readily available if something happens.

Watch story in the video below! Let us know your thoughts about this brave boy in the comments!

Be sure to share this video with all your friends on Facebook right now because it will give them a chuckle! This is too cute to pass up. Spread the joy!

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