Two Girls Have Their Horse Saddled up And Ready – To Dance

Horses are a lot brainier than you might think, and one way they show this is by having a flair for music and dance. No, really. There are even professional equestrian events where horses perform entire dance routines. But here, two girls introduced their beloved horse to the latest music and dance craze.

There are tunes that, for whatever reason, become catchy. When people hear them, they automatically reach over to turn up the volume and maybe sing along, too. If a catchy tune has a dance routine that goes with it, things get even more fun.

Since 2015, everyone has been dancing to “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)” by the rapper Silento. Ricky Lamar Hawk, known to the world as Silento, was only 17 when he posted his debut single “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)” to his YouTube channel. In only a week, it racked up an incredible 2.5 million views. Three months later, Silento had a contract with Capitol Records! The dance moves that go along with the song are part of what’s made it such a big hit.

The “whip” is a rhythm-and-blues move: simply raise your arm and swing it back down, as though you were cracking a whip. The “nae nae” comes from the world of hip hop. Plant your feet firmly in place, sway your hips, and throw in a little shoulder movement. Then one hand goes up in the air while the other is pointed down. That’s it, approximately — the nae nae leaves a lot of room for creativity and improvisation.

As you’ll see in the video posted below, no whip had to be used, and the horse didn’t neigh neigh while joining his friends in the dance. With eight legs between the three of them, it was quite a show. Don’t miss this hilarious equine dance routine in the video below.

Two Girls Have Their Horse Saddled up And Ready – To Dance

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