This Cat is New in The House, And She Wants to Show the Dog Who’s Boss! TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!

It’s hard sometimes being the new guy. You don’t know the rules, what you can and can’t do, and most importantly, who the boss is. So naturally, when you’re the new guy, you want to try to instill some dominance to those around you so they take you seriously. Well, that’s exactly what Sophie, the two-month-old kitten is doing. Watch the video and see for yourself!

Sophie is trying to box with that Doberman, but Bishop is not entertained. Sophie was found abandoned in a gas station restroom by customs officer, Jessica Manning. Jessica already had a three-year-old Doberman by the name of Bishop and wanted to see how the two would get along. She recorded them while she was away, and stumbled upon this hilarious video.

Sophie is too cute with her little paws hitting Bishop’s face and then standing on two legs waiting for Bishop’s reaction. It seems that this is the start of a beautiful friendship. Do you have cats and dogs? How well do they get along together? Let us know below and don’t forget to share this video with your friends.

Be sure to share this video with all your friends on Facebook right now because it will give them a chuckle! This is too cute to pass up. Spread the joy!

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