Adorable little fox entangled in a soccer net is rescued and gets a massage

“It’s amazing how many hazards wildlife comes across which we just don’t consider to be hazards.” This time the hazard was a perfectly ordinary soccer net that just about anyone could be forgiven for not giving a second thought. The young fox who got tangled up in the net was fortunate that someone saw him and called for help. A rescue expert from the Wildlife Aid Foundation was soon on the scene and began the delicate task of freeing the fox.

The Wildlife Aid Foundation has been working hard on behalf of British wildlife for nearly 40 years. You might not associate Britain with wild animals, but the country actually abounds in woodland creatures like badgers, foxes, squirrels, birds, and of course the unofficial national mascot, the hedgehog. In addition to rescuing animals (and treating the injured at their hospital), the group provides advice and information about wildlife, and maintains educational programs. For more than 20 years, the Wildlife Aid Foundation has been part of Animal Planet’s show “Wildlife SOS.”

The poor fox who was ensnared in the soccer net was so adorable, it must have been hard to keep in mind that he was a wild animal. The man who called in help remarked, “I must admit, I was quite surprised how cute he is.” The fox had obviously struggled a lot, which had only gotten him even more tangled in the net. For all anyone knew, he might have suffered injuries in the process. So his rescuer had to be very careful has he snipped through the netting. Once the fox was freed from the net, a quick examination indicated that he was okay, if badly frightened. “His leg is a bit numb where it’s been in the string for so long, so I’m just going to give him a bit of a massage.”

Hopefully this little guy has learned to be careful around nets. Check out the video and let us know what you think in the comments section below. Don’t forget to like and share!

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