He Believes He’s Alone In A Nightclub Bathroom. Just Keep Your Eyes On The Mirror…OMG!

Most of us have been to a bar or a nightclub at one time and we’ve seen the campaigns against drinking and driving posted on the walls. This is no accident as drinking and driving still kills 28 people per day in the United States.

If this statistic is scary to you, think about how most of the victims of drunk driving are innocent and were not drinking at all. It’s a horrible and dangerous decision to get behind the wheel of a car after drinking alcohol and at least one company is stepping up and doing something creative about it.

Enter We Save Lives. They have come up with a unique way to get the message about drinking and driving out to the people who need to hear it most.  They have gone into the prison system and are aided by inmate Kris Caudilla.  Kris made the poor decision to drive after drinking and ended up killing a deputy in a car crash.  At age 26 Kris was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Out of this tragedy, Kris has been able to find a way to help others.  With some creative uses of technology Kris is able to converse with patrons of the bar when they need it most.  Kris will start out with small talk and then lead the conversation into a more serious direction so that the patron gets the point about NOT driving!

The video clip is below and it’s pretty funny yet has a great message. Share it if you like it and please leave your comments as well.

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