TV Journalist Quits Promising Job to Live on a Tiny House Boat Full-Time

It takes a lot of hard work, research, and determination to succeed as a successful television journalist. You have to get in-depth information about groundbreaking stories, but it’s an incredibly fulfilling career.

David Johns loved his job as a TV journalist in the UK until he felt a greater call. He decided to quit his job, sell his house, and buy a narrowboat to sail around the canal networks in the United Kingdom.

Johns wanted to live abroad for a year to start with and then decide if he wanted to make it a full-time lifestyle. Nine months into his newfound passion, he can’t get enough of the friendly and helpful community he’s found.

He’s been vlogging his experience of living on a boat and uploading his videos to Youtube. Thanks to his work history, the footage is stunning, and the editing is beyond professional. It’s a great pleasure to watch someone go out and live their dreams.

TV Journalist Quits Promising Job to Live on a Tiny House Boat Full-Time

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