World’s Cutest Baby Sloth Guaranteed to Make You Aww

The most adorable animal in the world is a baby sloth named B-rad. He lives at Kids Saving the Rainforest. The creature is so small and cute. His little button eyes make him look like a little stuffed animal. This darling creature is so much fun to watch. He is curious and even has a little bit of mischief in him, and you can tell when he tries to take off Coyote’s hat.

Baby Sloth

It is a fun fact to learn that a sloth’s hair grows from the sides backward. Watching B-rad will make you want to cuddle with him all day long. He is so endearing. This sloth is climbing around on a stuffed sloth. He is a very active little fellow for being a sloth. When he goes to scratch himself, you will truly see how cute he is.

Baby Sloth

What makes B-rad even more precious is that he is smaller than most sloths. It is believed that he may have even been malnourished when he was younger. Fortunately, he was brought to the wildlife sanctuary to be nursed back to health, and B-rad is a sloth success story. The goal is to release B-rad back out into the wild.

Baby Sloth

Watching B-rad eat is also a treat. He looks so sweet as he delicately eats the green leaf. He is so gentle about it. IT almost looks like he is suckling it. You may never get to hug a baby sloth, but watching this video will make you feel lighthearted and happy. Watch this video for a feel-good experience. B-rad is the best baby sloth ever!

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World\'s Cutest Baby Sloth Guaranteed to Make You Aww

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