Christmas in the 1960s… You were lucky if these were a part of your life

Times have changed, and so has the way we celebrate Christmas. You would agree with this statement if you were born during the 1960s. Recently, a video clip gained popularity online for taking us back to the 60s when celebrating Christmas had a different meaning altogether.

During that era, families often went out the day before Christmas and looked for a live Christmas tree. This small family activity had its fair share of fun and excitement. After placing the tree in one corner of the house in its stand, Christmas ornaments were prepared to decorate the tree. This was also a family activity where all the members were involved.

Most Christmas tree ornaments were handmade, and the decoration lights were unlike those small twinkling lights used in modern homes. Those were large bulbs that would get hot after a few hours. Thus, it was crucial not to leave them on overnight.

Children would sing Christmas carols in the neighborhood, adding to the mood. Although the kids never asked for money, people still gave them treats or invited them for hot cocoa. Christmas trees never had presents at the base because Santa Claus would deliver them.

Opening gifts on Christmas was an exciting feeling. Children would toss and turn all night, waiting for dawn to open gifts. The floor would be filled with torn wrapping paper as kids would open their gifts individually. Kids would receive toys like Mr. Machine, Robot Commando, Slingy, Lionel Train Set, and Silly Putty.

Televisions would air all-time favorite Christmas cartoons, like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, A Charlie Brown Christmas, and Dr. Zeus How the Grimm Stole Christmas. Radios would play Top 40 songs of the year. The 1960s was also when kids would hang Christmas stockings by the chimney.

How Christmas was celebrated during the 1960s gave the season an all-new meaning. So, share this video with people born during that era because they may also feel like living their childhood again.

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Christmas in the 1960s... You were lucky if these were a part of your life

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