Man boldly rides golden horse without any equipment

In the video, horse trainer Jesse rides Antares, a golden horse without any horseriding equipment. The only thing Jesse has is a rope that acts as reins but doesn’t go in the horse’s mouth.

Man and his golden horse

Antares barely stands still through the initial preparation. The routine helps the horse get used to what happens before any show. Safety, understanding, and fun follow in that order when riding.

The horse is led to the arena and is rewarded for any small action completed. The first exercises include a walk, trot, and canter to warm up and assess the horse’s temperament.

Man riding golden horse

The bridle is taken off, and the horse is given a simple command to gauge how he adapts to the new experience. At first, the horse is all-over the place but follows simple turns, canters, and stops.

The final step is the removal of the neck rope, leaving Jesse on the horse without any tack. It’s a learning step for both horse and handler getting into a canter and stopping.

Man riding golden horse

Without any tack, Jesse can command and stop the horse. We see the horse prancing and running with absolutely nothing. Jesse doesn’t fall off. What a sweet and trusting horse!

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