Adorable car karaoke launches mom and daughter to fame

Car karaoke has never been as cute as this mother and daughter duo.

Everyone loves to sing in the car, but so few of us have the skill to pull off an entire lipsynced performance flawlessly. When it comes to mom-daughter duets, Aubrey and Teigan are the queens!

Together, they have a ton of fun performing Frozen’s ‘Love is an Open Door’. Aubrey takes on the role of Hans (“I always have to be the boy!” she says), while daughter Teigan performs Anna’s parts.

At first, Teigan doesn’t realize that they aren’t supposed to be singing. She starts belting out the lyrics to the song, but quickly after Aubrey starts mouthing along to her parts, Teigan gets the idea.

Together they pull faces, do certain gestures from the movie, and generally have a lot of fun reproducing what is surely one of their favorite songs to sing together.

It’s great to see a mother and daughter that are so in tune with each other, especially in this day and age. These two are gonna be best friends through the rest of their lives for sure!

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Adorable car karaoke launches mom and daughter to fame

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