Carol Burnett and Harvey Korman crack up audience as ‘Old Folks’

‘Old Folks’ was a famous recurring sketch on ‘The Carol Burnett Show.’ This performance sees Harvey Korman, playing ‘Bert’ wearing a white wig, and Carol Burnett, playing ‘Molly’ dressed in a long gown with glasses and gray hair.

Carol Burnett and Harvey Korman

Bert energetically says, ‘A full moon brings out the beast in me. Does that scare you?’ Molly responds, ‘Oh yes, I’ve got this mortal fear of being gummed to death.’

Bert tells Molly he went to the doctor, and he told the doctor he ‘felt like a 30-year-old.’ Molly asks, ‘What did he say?’ Bert replies, ‘He told me to forget it and go back to my wife!’

Carol Burnett and Harvey Korman

The two talk about a recent wedding they attended between two older friends. Molly talks about the older bride and says, ‘Her finger was so wrinkled, he had to screw the ring on.’

They comment on the bride and groom’s attire and Bert notes that the newspaper wrote the bride wore white. Molly gives him a dirty look and says, ‘They both wore white…hospital gowns!’

Carol Burnett and Harvey Korman

As Molly is about to retire for the evening, Bert says he feels like he wants to ‘get sparking.’ Molly responds, ‘How are you supposed to get sparks when the flint’s gone!’ The audience roars in laughter, and the sketch closes with a big ending.

The entire sketch takes place as the couple rocks on rocking chairs in their yard. The fact that Harvey and Carol get so many laughs with just their comedic delivery is a testament to their talent!

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Carol Burnett and Harvey Korman crack up audience as ‘Old Folks’

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