Grandma and Her Chihuahua Play Perfect 60’s Cover, Get 3 Million Views on YouTube

The 1960s were a decade full of love, peace, and incredible music. Bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, and Jefferson Airplane were taking over the airwaves everywhere with one hit after another.

Peter, Paul, and Mary were another well-known band from that era. Their music made people feel inspired and was the perfect type of music to put on to enjoy a relaxing day at the beach. An internet-famous grandmother is giving her following a taste of one of their famous songs.

Malinda sits outside on her quaint patio with her adorable pet Chihuahua. You can tell she’s excited to be recording another cover song for her appreciative audience. Malinda talks about how she’s happy to be playing her guitar, and she hopes everyone is staying safe wherever they may be.

Her smooth vocals and charming demeanor pair perfectly with the 1960s hit tune, “500 Miles.” Her precious pooch casually sits on the side of the guitar as Malinda swoons over millions of viewers. We wonder if she takes requests because there are a few songs I’d love to hear her sing.

Grandma and Her Chihuahua Play Perfect 60’s Cover, Get 3 Million Views on YouTube

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