Terrified of flying? Don’t miss this amazing trick to conquer your fear

Although it’s statistically one of the safest ways to travel, flying is still terrifying for many people around the world. In the States alone, some 20 million people suffer from the gripping fear that the aircraft is going to crash. While it’s not totally irrational – accidents happen in any vehicle – it’s still extremely safe. Especially when compared to driving for example.

But that won’t stop all of us who are scared witless from freaking out every single time we have to take a flight. How on earth does a huge metal thing weighing several hundred tons actually get off the ground? What was that buzzing noise? Why are the wings shaking? That engine is going to go out! But perhaps the worst moment of all – is when an aircraft hits a pocket of turbulence. Aviophobes can go a little crazy!

While turbulence has never brought a plane down, it can get so rough sometimes that it might actually feel like it, with many flights reporting people being thrown from their seats, injuries and falling baggage. Again, we must stress that it has never, nor could not bring an aircraft down – but it doesn’t make it any less terrifying. Particularly if the stewardesses are screaming too!

So, what can we do about it? Well, the report below provides some incredibly useful information, tips, tricks and techniques in order for a fearful flyer to control their terror and calm themselves down. In the video, the reporter suggests a trip to “Air Hollywood,” a state-of-the-art recreation of an aircraft – and a simulator of what might happen to it in the sky.

While not everyone might have access to this location, there are nervous flyer schools all over the country who offer a similar experience – all run by professional pilots with years of flight time. One of the best methods you can use to control your fear is simply to write your name with your non-dominant hand. That simple trick keeps your brain occupied – hopefully long enough for the turbulence to pass.

Other things you can do are based on similar psychological techniques – to try and distract your brain working overtime as the aircraft thunders down the runway and pulls into the sky. Arguably the most terrifying moment in the whole experience – but the pilot in the report below offers some great advice for keeping you calm during those moments – and throughout the length of the journey. Don’t miss it – so you don’t miss your next flight!

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