To rescue a dog, they had to deploy the ultimate weapon: bits of cheeseburger

Stray dogs live hard knock lives on the streets of Los Angeles, but fortunately there are people who work hard to help. Some of them are at Hope For Paws which was founded by Eldad Hagar and his wife Audrey in 2008. She runs the office, making the whole thing go while he’s out in the field with assistants conducting rescues. Hope For Paws operated in relative obscurity until they started posting rescue videos on-line.

This time, a woman called them late at night to report a frightened dog hiding in some bushes. When Eldad and his assistant Loretta arrived on the scene, the caller was glad to see them. There was actually an animal shelter just a couple blocks away, but as she told Eldad, “You were the only one I saw that said ’24 hours.'” With a laugh, he replied, “We are 24 hours.”

Eldad was at least half expecting to be up against a 50 pounder so he was highly amused (and relieved) when he saw the small fluffy dog who was trying to hide from everyone. He and Loretta set up a portable fence and then she crouched down by the bushes armed with a cheeseburger — about the best way to make friends with a dog! He accepted bits of burger but quickly withdrew to the bushes, although his tail was now wagging. After bribing him some more, Loretta was able to grab him and get the “Lucky Leash” on.

Back at the shelter, the badly dehydrated dog (who they named Fox) slurped down plenty of water. It turned out that he was microchipped and when they got in touch with his owner, she explained that the dog had been a gift she hadn’t even wanted. As you’ll see in the video posted below, Fox was very happy after he settled into his foster home where he enjoyed the company of other dogs as well as one other highly unexpected animal friend.

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