24 years after being put up for adoption, she contacts biological dad. Both got a huge surprise

Hardly more than a kid himself, Will Russell found himself the father of a baby girl. He knew his own life was a mess and there was no way he’d be able to properly care for the child. So he agreed to put her up for adoption; she’d probably live a much better life, in the circumstances.

Years of struggle with alcoholism and other personal demons followed but fortunately, Will eventually was able to turn his life around thanks to help from the Phoenix Rescue Mission, a group that offers “Christ-centered, life-transforming solutions to persons facing hunger and homelessness.” In due course, he returned the favor by volunteering at the mission, work that eventually led to a full-time position at the ministry.

Will had never forgotten about that daughter who was put up for adoption. As it happened, 24 year-old Amy Roberson was also wondering. Curiosity about her biological family led her to do some detective work. She found Will’s number: “It took a lot for me to make the phone call. I was really nervous, but it was definitely something I felt like I needed to do.”

Will was delighted to hear from Amy. As he recalled, “I had been praying that she would come into my life, and receiving that phone call was as if God said, ‘I heard you.'” Soon, they met up for breakfast and Will told his daughter all about his life and work at the mission. Stunned, she told him she worked at the same mission. “That’s when there was this moment of silence and I kept thinking to myself, ‘Maybe she’s talking about another mission.’ And she said, ‘No, the Phoenix Rescue Mission.'” They’d been working in different parts of the mission and hadn’t crossed paths, let alone had any idea they were related!

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